Nicole Moberg is from the United States of America, and hails from the Twin Cities in the state of Minnesota. She recently returned back to her country after living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for five years. Now she has returned to the University of Minnesota to pursue a major in Linguistics and minors in TESL as well as Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
She loves learning and teaching languages; currently, she speaks and studies Arabic and Spanish, but has also recently begun taking classes in Somali. Someday, she will return to learning Japanese (inshallah!), but has placed that language on the back burner for the time being.
She has been teaching English to learners from diverse countries since she was 18, when she started working at an Intensive English Program in the United States. After moving to Saudi, she continued teaching English to Saudi adults and children. Currently, she works as an Arabic tutor to beginning Arabic students at university, as well as assisting other teachers on Hablo!
She also loves plants and cats!